The Faculty of Agricultural Technology is known for excellence in teaching, conducting research, and promoting the agricultural profession. In addition, lecturers have served as consultants and experts in producing and exporting agricultural products. The Faculty’s Agricultural Study Center at Kaeng Hang Maew district in Chanthaburi has worked to promote education for the area’s farming community. The center has had a major effect on the development of the agricultural industry, the promotion of new agricultural theories, and self-sufficiency in the local community.

By providing agricultural training to local residents, the Faculty has achieved one of its goals. The key to its success is its ability, with a variety of academic disciplines, to respond to the local needs particularly in the areas of tropical plants, fruits, animal husbandry, fisheries, food science technology and agricultural technology. The combination of expert training strategies with the knowledge of modern technology has allowed the Faculty to help local industries to produce high quality agricultural products.

We are fortunate that our research studies and field experiments can be done at various sites in the region. Our committed lecturers are able to develop and work with a balance of theoretical and practical skills in this ideal tropical situation. The Faculty specializes in Agriculture, Agricultural Extension and Communication, Agricultural Technology, Animal Husbandry, Aquaculture, Food Science Technology, and Plant Science.

Our current highlight programs include Agriculture, Agricultural Technology, Aquaculture, Food Science Technology, and Masters of Science in Agricultural Technology.

We invite all interested international universities to contact us to collaborate with us on educational projects for teaching, conducting research, and developing for academic growth.

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Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University (RBRU)

Address: 41 M.5 Tachang, Muang, Chanthaburi 22000
Telephone: (66) 039 471069
FAX: (66) 039 471069
E-mail: inter@rbru.ac.th
Website: http://www.rbru.ac.th